See the artists impression of this evil Duchess of Devastation to the right.
This shameless woman is also working for the control of the free world! She is also British, so she must be evil! How long must we put up with this evil oppressor of peoples? How long will this woman be allowed to continue attacking others, such as the innocent, and highly reputable A4???
We can only hope for deliverance from this evil woman my friends...
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1:21 AM
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1:41 AM
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2:21 AM
I think i know what she is doing to that horse, i hope im wrong, but i dont think so. She says she is an animal lover too, brazen she is, its scandalous, i need to lie down in a dark room now.
12:15 AM
Sorry, had to delete some posts because the screen-name wasnt revolutionary enough...shold be ok from now
5:25 AM
I hope mY screen name is up to snuff... no one could possibablY match "The Dark Lord and his Un-holY TrinitY of Evil", (soon available in paper-back)tho....BUT that goes without saying, of course... tho, I just said it.
I mean, we ALL know of Belle and the Brits (aka B&B). Their influence has impacted even the USA. EspeciallY in the north-east. EverYwhere You look You see evidence of the pestulance. IF You do not believe me, then I suggest that You "google" as soon as possible "B&B". Go ahead! The evidence is right there before Your verY eYes!!!!
B&B are evil institutions.. pure evil! They attempt to take innocent people, ususallY a husband and wife, in search of a pleasent and somewhat peacefull excursion, and FORCE them to live with OTHER couples.....TOGETHER!!! In the same house!!! "Sharing" a loo (bathroom, ya know)!! Forcing them to place themselves in the VERY same area as others who have dispelled their methane!! VILE!!! Diabolical!! Beware, beverYware of the sinister B&B!!!
One letter stands for BED!!! The B&B want all of the people to "sleep" in the same bed!!!! Without pajamas!!! Together!!! Sickening, isn't it... the B&B encourages lust, and deboucherY. THEN, they have the audacity to eat food together!! jJust like all is normal! Ohhhh the shame of it all...
B&B = Belle and the Brits....
8:10 PM
I think I like B&B lots. May I come sleep without mY jammies too also as well kinda sorta ya know..
10:54 PM
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