It doesn't matter if we don't know what we are fighting for, so long as we are fighting! --the revolutionary(2006)

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

More on cults

Since the a4 exposed the cult running in room 5 we thought we would post a picture of Charles Manson(right) for no particular reason but to lead into our story, which is a defence of the magnificent journalistic opus which is the A4 Blog!

Here is another picture of a villain to inflame your anger even more before we continue!

Now dear comrades, since those pictures can't but cause you to go into white hot revolutionary rage, we can continue...

The a4, exposing the lies of Belleatchantry...or, the Duchess of Doom...said this...

"BelleatchantrY attacks gardenia at everY oportunitY she blames her and the A4 for the suicide of some Young life no doubt inflamed bY Kim's blog attack"

they continue...

"She accuses Gardenia of something she had no control over The Judge_MENTAL . Belle at her worst No wonder the FAITH is in danger with people like her setting them selves up as Judge JurY and Executioner."

Now I ask you comrades, is this belle not an evil woman??????????

(See what Belle may look like when being evil on right)

Do you not feel out-raged after seeing Charles Manson, Osama bin Ladan with Burt from Sesame street, and now seeing an unsupported accusation about Belle?????????

However comrades, some of you are murmuring that this is in the comments section...

"gardenia said... the a4 ....I must correct a statement and pray that I offend noone by this correction...belle never accused me of the suicide of Rachel...via Kim's group...and I must give her credit as well as many of the members of the room for making them feel it was a safe haven to come to..."

Comrades...clearly this statement from gardenia has no bearing at all on the original accusation, so let us never mention it again!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ty bloggers, its all clear to me now...that belle is plainly evil!

5:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

omgoodness!!!!!!!!!! i am here, now...all is well!! We WILL crush this Cianess buzzzzzz killer!! HUMANITY UNITE!!!!!! Bocelli MUST be stopped!!!

3:26 PM


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