It doesn't matter if we don't know what we are fighting for, so long as we are fighting! --the revolutionary(2006)

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Mind Control...the facts!

Welcome my comrades!

This was exposed on the A4 blog, our fellow revolutionaries...

"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMind control is a general term for anumber of controversial theories proposing that an individual's thinking, behavior, emotions ordecisions can, to a greater or lesser extent, be manipulated at will by outside sources"

Indeed, the a4 have read a Wikipedia article, so are more than qualified to discuss complex issues such as cults! They are great revolutionaries to spend such effort to find the truth and explain it to us, the proletariat!

Another true revolutionary, Stings, adds to our certain knowledge that this trio is controllling peoples minds...regarding cia, she reports...
"For him he know longer knows the difference, chat and control is his very existence."

But many of you are still asking how is it that Belle, Jen, and Cia can control the minds of people who are 20000 Km away from them, and all through an internet connection? Do not let such thoughts trouble you my comrades. We have an answer to this problem!

Yes, my fellow revolutionaries, a ray gun! With this ray gun, each of them can beam waves through the heads of their victims, at any distance. These waves, believed to be some type of EM wave close to microwaves, effect the thinking of the victim, and force them to not ignore the evil trio, and force them to be friends with them for 12 months, and force them to pray the rosary with them, and other evil things.

Of course, in the case of victims on the other side of the planet, an elaborate system of satellites is required due to the earths curvature....

This satellite, one in a series, allows the trio to beam the waves anywhere in the world!

For day to day use, the trio have constructed hand held units. This is required so that their families, friends, and work collegues in the real world who meet them every day, do not see what we revolutionaries see!

With this smaller item, the trio can control minds at close quarters!

I am glad to have cleared up any confusion my comrades. It is not that there is questions over the reports issued to us on the A4 blog, it is only that we haven't yet discovered all the insidious methods used by the terrible trio!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, thanks to the A4 via the underground resistance! The link in the article to define the word "thinking" was particularly helpful...I may not have known what this word truly meant otherwise!!!

8:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear belle, I tend to disagree with u...the post should read - Stings with all her arts and farts!!! You really do not know that fine, genteel woman from down under..tut tut!!

11:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think diesel is cheaper but maybe they use gas??! Alotta farts produce alotta gas!!

11:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well methane would be more ecologically sound i guess, can they be converted to run on the methane generated by stings? Will ask our Thinker, he will know, our resident oracle.

5:15 AM


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