It doesn't matter if we don't know what we are fighting for, so long as we are fighting! --the revolutionary(2006)

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The hatred exposed!

Comrades in our struggle against oppression and other nebulous concepts we cant actually define...we have more shocking news from the underground resistance!

This, at great personal risk, was given to us by those comfortable enough in their own revolutionary ideals to sit in room 5 and make a thorough analysis of the control techniques of the hideous Overlord Cia...

Here is what our poster says...
"Anonymous said... Maybe I am the only one that has noticed this pattern.CIA posts the members that is to say the rosary after every decade as though he were talking to small children that have no understanding when it’s his or her turn to pray next.
It’s as though he is re-enforcing his control by doing this.Why intelligent people fall for this crap is anyone’s guess. "

Our objective insight into the room continues...
"Laura puts up with all his abuse and I don’t believe it’s out of love of her fellowman that she does this, but more out of fear.CIA is far from a humble man and he really is a bad leader.Pride goes before the fall.
12:10 AM, March 13, 2006 "

At last fellow freedom fighters! Proof positive that Cia hates the people he prays with. Here is a picture below of Cia to confirm the unsupported claims in the post!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agrees 100% wiff the postee....or would it be poster??!!! anyways tis that horrid belle and now that jen too who leaves and comes back and then leaves again!! I dont understand why dat creature cant make up her mind!! Yea comrades we need to stun em at 110mph so that rosary goes smooth!! Do you think 110 is enuf or should be raise it a wee bit higher!!

11:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cia bears a striking resemblance to Freddie Kruger

11:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

She cant make her mind up cause she dont have one any more, can only wash a brain so many times and it goes all floppy.

5:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok... time for MORE truth, not gossip, like on the OTHER globs... FreddY Kruger DOES have a floppY brain. I should know, I went to school with FreddY (aka Fredricka) that's right! I said it, so there! FreddY HAD the operation...yes, I said it. His/her real name is Fredricka Krugerand. Look it up, ifn Ya like...she/he had the operation where theY chop off hangYdown thingYs and add bumps...and stuffs.

Do not blame him/her, tho... there is plentY of blame to go around. Blame his/her mom/dad and dad/mom...his/her grandma/grandpa and grandpa/grandma... his/her brother/sister and sister/brother.... his/her aunt/uncle and aunt/uncle and brother(ONE sane one, Ya know...)

never saY that I told You this because I do not gossip!

also.... his/her feet stink.

3:11 PM


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