The mystery solved!
My comrades!
After much analysis of his image, the A4 have worked out the mystery which has plagued the revolution since its inception...
"Samantha said...
Anonymous said... whats over his shoulder? his purse? 1:10 PM, March 28, 2006 No thats a piece of cloth on his shoulder. This has been carefuly placed there to dry the tears he sheds after reading the blogs. :))'TonY thinks I pick on him and its makes him weep'samantha xx
7:31 PM, March 29, 2006"
Take that Cia!
Here is a picture of a man crying, which we are pretty sure would be exactly what Cia, the Capitalist swine, would look like after seeing this example of the A4's rapier wit!
Fight on A4! The revolution needs you!
Is that Jacque Chirac?
10:52 PM
Voulez vous coucher avec moi??!!??? lol.......
11:13 PM
Is it my turn at last?Wooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooo ill get the map, hang on!
11:23 PM
anonymous said I wont be happy till i hear him doing it on the mic, its mandatory as an example to others, and who is that woman on his left, I like her hat.
11:25 PM
Yes anon, her hat rocks! The woman is clearly a revolutionary...
11:34 PM
We are still trying to work out if that is Jacque Chirac or not...
5:17 AM
No Jacques Chirac doesnt cry
11:54 PM
Jacques Chirac
Stepped on a crack
Broke his mother's back
Some call him Jack
He stares at women's rack
He leaves..then comes back
He gets potatoes in a sack
And he drinks ipacac
Is there a message contained within???
I believe there IS!! It is the fuel for the Terrible Trio!!! RUN for your VERY lives!!!
5:55 AM
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