It doesn't matter if we don't know what we are fighting for, so long as we are fighting! --the revolutionary(2006)

Friday, March 31, 2006

More on Wikipedia

This Blog rejects totally the outrageous claim that it created a false entry in the highly praised encyclopedia Wikipedia. We have no knowledge who created the entry for Bishop Chu Chi Zui(choochiezu).
The existance of Bishop Chu Chi Zui is known because an entry can be found for him in wikipedia...

Any claim that this article is not genuine is therefore patently false.

Thankyou Comrades...and remember...the truth is OUT THERE!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not lying, someone already improved the article 20 minutes after it was posted

8:55 AM

Blogger Anthony Murphy said...

I feel my friends, we need to have a tribute to Bishop Chu Chi Zoi on this very blog, to honor his memory...

9:39 AM

Blogger Anthony Murphy said...

We dont need you sticking your nose in and dis-honoring the bishop, cia!

9:40 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dumbass, there is no bishop Chu CHi Zoi! It is choo!

9:40 AM

Blogger Anthony Murphy said...

Cia, I am not going to let you dis-honor a BISHOP OF THE CHURCH! Now HUSH!

9:41 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:41 AM

Blogger Anthony Murphy said...


9:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

but he isnt real!

9:42 AM

Blogger Anthony Murphy said...

Cia, this is a bishop, and a great man! Now be quiet!

9:44 AM

Blogger Anthony Murphy said...

Now that cia has stopped slandering the good bishop's memory, perhaps some of you would like to share your memories of Bishop Chu Chi Zoi, and what he meant to you...

9:45 AM

Blogger Anthony Murphy said...

Anyway Cia, everyone knows it's Chu Chi Zui, not "Zoi", mister smarty pants Australian!

10:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always knew he was hiding something, craft bugga he is

11:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lemme say this about the Great and Powerfull Bishop. This. TY

3:36 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, me....... THAT was stupid.

3:37 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

me 2... no it wasn't!

3:37 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We ALL know that the chatter, heretofore known bY various names, is actuallY braindead. He uses the Great Bishop's name, defiling it! SaYing things like.. "...God bless You on Your journeY." and adding a happY lil smileY face on the end! When in FACT, he then IGNORES that person!!

What kind of Christian ignores a person, You maY ask??? Well... I will tell You! A Christian who is NOT a Christian ignores anYone!! Ohhhh Yes, minions! A TRUE Christian will NEVER ignore anYone for anYthing!

I know for a fact (I think) that this immation clone of the Great and benovelant Bishop, IGNORES the loving and gracious a4 and most of their saintly followers!! *Gasp* When the cheubimlike a4, kindlY chat in room 5 (which, thank God, theY OWN)this fraudlike Bishop IGNORES them, vile creature that he is!

Let us refer to the Holy Bible.. We find, in the Gospel of Saint Bozo, chapter 5 verse 15-36, this passage: "VerilY I say unto Youns, never placeth in the iggY bin, those that defileth; those that useth looseth language; dem dat art porno botseth; those dat are apostates; dem dat wisheth all deadeth; dem who Yee maY find offensiveth; those forthwitheth dat wisheth to disrupteth praYer and render it foul.. for whilest theY be within da iggY bin theY willeth NOT have an influenceth on thee nor thou. Woe be unto dose who iggY!!" amen

This person's name is manY.. deception is at his core. *see list*
choochieclause (vile....)
choochieghoul (appropriat)
yapoohatesme (who doesn't?)

Remember them......revile them...

tanks fer dis forum.

Ohhh Yea.... power to da revolution, Yea...fight on..rain is wet...and Yea...blah blah.

The REAL Bishop Zu was failY nice right up to the "accident".

4:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

:( i knew the Bishop...GREAT man! :( he will be sadly missed..saY me..Ya know...said.... "wanna do it?"

10:42 PM


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